Tree Planting Support Following the Dry and Hot Weather

The drought conditions this summer seem a long time ago now with the amount of rain that has fallen in the past two months.  The Forestry Commission, RPA and DEFRA have released a support package for any agreement holders who have lost a high proportion of trees planted last winter, due to the dry, hot summer.  This package is referred to as ‘Extraordinary Payments for Replanting in Exceptional Circumstances (EPREC).

The EPRECA will replace trees lost due to the exceptional weather of summer 2022, by paying a standard cost to supply and plant trees.  This applies to the following grants: England Woodland Creation Offer, Urban Tree Challenge Fun, Local Authority Treescapes Fund, Tree Health Pilot, HS2 Woodland Fund, Woodland Carbon Fund and Countryside Stewardship Woodland Creation Grant and Tree Health Restoration.

The support is only available for trees planted in the winter of 2021/22, focusing on helping the agreement land with the youngest trees.  To support applications, agreement holders will have to provide information on the extent of tree losses, and photographs.  Site visits may also take place to confirm the tree losses, and that the trees have died as a result of the unusual weather.  Trees replaced using the EPREC will have to be replanted this coming winter.

The Forestry Commission and the RPA should have already contacted everyone who may be eligible for the EPREC, with more explanation about making an application.

For more information on available woodland grants, contact Sophie on 07496 587011
or e-mail