Reduce Nitrogen Use and Increase Profits!

Current research work from Teagasc Research Farms in Ireland is showing dairy cows performing 3-4% better in terms of milk solids production on either Herbal leys or grass clover leys vs perennial ryegrass swards.  The first two swards use 125kgN/ha less than the PRG.  Many think you will grow less dry matter and cows will milk less well on mixed species swards or you when you halve the amount of nitrogen applied.

Here is the evidence in tabular forms to prove the contrary .

Ref: Teagasc Moorepark – July 2023

Ref: Teagasc Moorepark – July 2023

The impact for a 140 ha all grass dairy farm of halving N applied and growing more clover in swards 20% + and possibly introducing herbal leys ( not a necessity but useful under SFI for a £372/ha subsidy for three years!) could be:

  1. Saving 100kg N/ha worth £100/ha = £14,000
  2. Enter sward in SFI under NUM 2 = £102/ha (75%)   x105 Ha = £10,710
  3. Establishing an Herbal ley under SFI  x 25% of farm  35Ha = £13,000
  4. Reduction in N will benefit Milk contract prices in future say 0.5ppl.  By reducing carbon footprint with less nitrous oxide gases emitted= £7,500
  5. Extra Milk Production per cow could be worth £120/cow (not factored here)

Total Benefit = £45,210

This would be equivalent to 3ppl savings or extra income, not to be ignored!

Yes there is a requirement to purchase seed and do some overseeding and reseeding.  The investment may be £10-12k but the return is still 4x this every year and your farms carbon footprint is lowered which will make it more environmentally sustainable longer term. A Win, Win!

The biggest challenge is you the farmer adapting and changing some of your engrained grassland management practices.  Nobody has more of a vested interest in changing than you.  5kg of clover seed per ha will cost you £60/ha.  You may need to top up an annual  % of land area with oversowing clover seed.  

Contact Gerard on 07976 426420 or e-mail for help and advice managing clover in your swards.