PAYE/NI Employer Payments

Did you know that HMRC have now introduced PAYE/NI contributions that can be paid by direct debit?  Which means that it will always be paid on time and no late payment penalties.

If this is something that you think would make your life easier and less stressful then all you need to do is log in to your HMRC account and set up paying your bill automatically.

A few things to note.

  • Make sure that it is set up 6 working days before the payment is due.
  • Payments will go out shortly after the 22nd of the month.
  • HMRC will get in contact to confirm the date and amount. They will be taking no longer than 3 working days before the payment is collected.

If you require help with setting this up, please contact Annabel on 07980 294816
or e-mail