Is There a Reason for Change

We all become “Creatures of Habit” and farmers are no different.  As Einstein’s definition of madness was …..”Continuing to do the same thing and expecting a different outcome”!  Part of our job is to give farming businesses the direction and confidence to create new opportunities.

My role as a Farm Consultant is having the ability to build relationships with my clients.  This in turn generates trust as well as providing them with sound ideas and advice which will in turn bring their business further success and the client a better way of life.

An opportunity became available for a client to move from a liquid milk supermarket contract to a manufacturing contract which better suited the farmer’s milk profile.  Under my guidance and working together, we decided it would benefit the business long term.  Therefore, I approached the processor and provided them with the relevant information.  A meeting was organised with the processor visiting the farm and meeting the family, looking at the facilities and the cows.  There was an immediate spark between the two parties; I stood back and watched with a great sense of pride and satisfaction that my work had given the family a new opportunity to drive the business forward.  This opportunity has also set foundations for the next generation to take ownership and share the responsibilities.

For me … being part of the whole new venture has given me tremendous job satisfaction.  I am sure there will be challenges in the future, with which I will embrace and endeavour to help the Hiscock family. 

Testimonial from P. A. Hiscock. I have known Mark Yearsley for two years and he has become a big part in our business.  Mark plays a vital role in our success and day to day running.  He sees us on a regular basis and points us in the right direction.  He is very knowledgeable and competent with the advice he gives us.

Mark was a big influence in organising our transfer to a new milk contract.  He has helped give me and my family a vision for the future.  He provides me with detailed financial budgets which he updates with the actuals on a monthly basis so we can monitor cash flow and on how the business is performing.  Thank you Mark.

If you are looking for an independent view and assessment of your business to put it in a stronger place for the future, then contact Mark on 07984 785190 or e-mail