Is it Worth Investing in Renewable Energy?

With the price of electricity markets now hitting over 82 pence and a 12-month contract at over £1.02 per unit, now has never been a better time to invest in renewable energy.

Because of the above, return on investment has reduced significantly with some systems now paying for themselves in under 3 years.

We have a relationship with reputable, trustworthy and proven suppliers of solar, wind and other forms of renewable energy and through them can offer feasibility studies on solar and wind plus the ability to arrange planning, procurement and installations.

We can also help you to understand where your electricity is being used and how efficient you are being with it through energy audits and monitoring, and negotiations of a new contract including the resale of energy back to the grid.

Finally, we are also aware of some grants to help fund this project and we can help you make the most of them!

If you would like us to help you progress any interest you have in any of the above, please supply us with . . . 

Contact details
Copy of your last bills showing unit rate and yearly/monthly consumption
Three phase only. (Solar and Wind)
MPAN or supply number which should be on the bill
Roof material, Box profile steel and fibre cement good. Asbestos a no go unless the roof is going to be replaced. (Solar)

We can then get to work on saving you money!

If you would like to discuss renewable energy, please contact
David on 07395 498175 or e-mail