Fertiliser Assurance

Recently there has been some national press regarding the selling of some unlicenced fertiliser in Scotland that has caused problems on farms, with reduced production, fertility & health seen in the cows on the farms affected. 

Let me assure you that DBL is regulated under FIAS, Fertiliser Industry Assurance Scheme, from the AIC, Agricultural Industries Confederation. The AIC is also the same body that runs UFAS, Universal Feed Assurance Scheme, that DBL also adheres to. 

Just like you do with your Red Tractor Audits, we are also subject to yearly audits to ensure that we are following the rules to ensure you are supplied with the correct product, and that this can be traced from farm to supplier, and vice versa, should a problem occur.

As part of our FIAS audit we must ensure that all our suppliers are also FIAS members to ensure that the product supplied matches the required industry standards.

I was only talking to a supplier last week that told me that before fertiliser lands on farm, it would have already been tested at least three times to ensure it matches the specification required. So, for example with Urea, at the point of origin as it leaves the factory, then at the docks when it arrives in this country, and then again by the supplier before they sell it through the likes of us to you.

Also, under FIAS we must ensure that we know all our clients are genuine farmers who require it for the running of their business, and not randoms who may require it for other purposes! 

Therefore, be assured that all fertilisers sold through DBL are done so under FIAS so you can ensure quality & traceability.  If you are not sure if your merchant or supplier is, then ask them.  Make sure you are getting what you want.

If you would like to discus your fertiliser or feed requirements please speak to Andrew Jones, who is a FAR registered Dairy Nutritionist & CowSignals® Master on 07717 44288 or email  andrew@dblbuyinggroup.co.uk