Batt Latch Saves Lots of Your Precious Time!

Would you like to turn cows out to grass for a few hours but need them back in after three hours as ground is tender or grass is still scarce?  Or would you like to turn them out after pm milking but need to get them back in by 8 pm as you haven’t enough grass for 24 hour access?

This simple device is a portable timer switch which releases a catch which is hooked to the gate wire on a bungee.  So, at a pre-programmed time the gateway opens and cows hearing a clicking noise realise the gate is open to go back into the shed for milking or to eat some tasty silage.

They cost £250-£500 depending on whether battery or solar charged.

Imagine having an extra lie in the morning whilst the Batt Latch is allowing the cows to walk to milking parlour waiting to be milked when you start work.

Cows will walk at their own pace on tracks rather than be pushed along, thus preventing foot issues.  You won’t have the quad bike running for as long rounding up cows in a field, saving you fuel as well as time! 

They can be installed on gates within buildings also, to open at fixed times. How much is your valuable time worth?

Batt latches can be purchased at a discount through DBL Buying Group, contact Louise on 07943 684215.

For the use of this and other labour saving devices and practices, contact Gerard on Tel: 07976 426420 or email