Are You Getting the Most Out of Your Tags?

Datamars Z-Tag Ear Tags
DBL are pleased to announce that they have partnered with Datamars to supply their full range of Identification, EID, Management and Tissue Testing Tags.

Since 1991, Z Tags have been dedicated to sharing their belief with livestock farmers that great retention starts with great application. With this as their goal, all cattle and sheep ear tags and taggers are designed with the end-user in mind, to provide farmers with identification solutions that go in once, and stay in!

The surgical plastic tip on the Z tags for cattle cut through the ear rather than punch a hole to help promote faster healing.

Tag, Track, and Preserve with Ease 
Z Tag Z2 - With a comprehensive selection of tissue, visual, and EID tags in seven vibrant colours, the Z2 range builds upon the unmatched legacy of the original Z Tag, a true market leader since the 1990s. Offering unparalleled application, retention, and reliability. 

Tissue Tagging 
The Z Tag Z2 line includes the groundbreaking Z Tag tissue sample tag (TST), specially designed for BVD eradication programs and the collection and preservation of DNA for genotyping.  

The TST combines tissue sampling and animal identification into one, providing fast and clean collection of a tissue sample to test for genetics and disease.

During the ear tag application, a tissue sample is collected and hermetically sealed, with preservative, in the sample container. Samples can then be sent to a laboratory for testing, without the need for special packaging or refrigeration. The remaining visual tag is used for animal identification.  Both the container and the visual ear tags are labelled with the same ID number.

Superior Retention
The Z2 range is engineered for consistent, long-lasting performance in all conditions. Z Tag are so confident in their tag retention that FREE REPLACEMENTS (tag and postage) will be supplied for the duration of the life of the animal.

The tags are available in large, medium, button and brass with the flexibility to be able to add management information if desired and in different combinations to suit your needs.

For more information about Datamars products can be flond on their website - Z Tags | Datamars UK

During the month of January DBL Buying Group are offering a discount on all tags ordered.  Please call Louise on 07943 684215 for competitive prices.

Tru-Test Active Tag
Whether you’re looking to increase efficiency or simply need another set of eyes on the farm, Tru-Test Active Tag is the solution built with you in mind.

With a plug-and-play gateway and two attachment options, the system is easy to install and even easier to use. Powered by Datamars Livestock Software, the Tru-Test Active Tag monitors animal behaviour 24/7, giving you key insights to save time, reduce stress, and improve your herd.

The true genius of the system is in its industry-leading machine-learning algorithm. The algorithm monitors individual animal activities and compares them to the group. This allows you to quickly and accurately identify when an animal changes behaviour and if it is due to heat, a health event, or a group change.

Built for your peace of mind:

  • Reduce stress for you and your cows by identifying potential issues early and automatically.
  • By your side 24/7 with real-time insights, giving you more eyes on the farm with less labour.
  • Save time by increasing efficiency, as you’ll know which cows need attention.
  • Focus On Other Tasks while we do the monitoring, giving you more freedom.

Tru-Test Active tag has a world-class reputation for developing rugged, reliable hardware and innovative smart technology for better farm decision-making and on-farm profitability.  This is backed by extensive global trials and has proven its worth with successful installations across the globe in both pasture and barn operations.

How It Works

  1. Individual cow behaviour is recorded 24/7 and linked to each animal’s ID.
  2. Cow behaviours are tracked based on cow position (standing and laying down) and state (ruminating, feeding, resting, other).
  3. Data is automatically uploaded to Datamars Livestock any time an animal is within approximately 500 metres of the Gateway.
  4. Insights are accessible via the web or mobile app and displayed on an easy-to-understand dashboard.
  5. Access data from almost anywhere. Datamars Livestock is a cloud- based online program so your data is accessible from any device with an internet connection.
  6. All behaviour data, heat and health insights are integrated through Datamars Livestock and can be easily shared with third parties including veterinarians and AI technicians.

Heat Detection
 Accurate heats are detected faster and with greater certainty.  Even silent heats are often detected.

Timely and accurate information allows you to align breeding with peak heats, giving you the best chance for a cow to get in calf.

This system helps you automate heat detection, saving you time and money and giving you peace of mind that you know exactly which cows are on heat.

  • Monitor heats from wherever you are with timely alerts
  • Improve breeding performance with our heat index and optimal AI window
  • Maximise labour efficiency by concentrating on identified cows and removing the need for manual heat detection

Reproduction Reports
Reproduction issues impact a cow’s ability to get back in calf, costing you time and money. With continuous monitoring, the system notifies you as soon as an issue occurs. This allows you intervene as early as possible, increasing the chance to get the cow in calf. It monitors for anestrous, irregular heats and pregnancy loss.

Health Monitoring
Stay ahead of health issues in your herd, 365 days a year.  Early identification and monitoring of health issues is important. Health is directly linked to animal performance. The effects of a health issue can persist through an entire lactation and have a profound effect on the animal’s overall fertility and production.

Health monitoring detects subtle changes in animal behaviour, providing early warnings about potential health problems to enhance cow welfare.

  • Tracks key animal activities such as rumination changes, increases in lying, reduction in feeding changes and more
  • Get early warning of a health event as soon as an animal changes behaviour
  • Monitor the recovery of sick animals to ensure behaviour returns to normal
  • The system is like another set of eyes on the farm, giving you peace of mind that your cows are monitored 24/7

​​​​​Find My Cow
Save time by finding cows quickly and easily. Monitor your proximity to the animal as you walk the pen. You’ll see clearly when the animal is within a few metres.

  • Finds an individual animal or a small group of animals (up to 10 animals)
  • Finds lost tags if still within range of a gateway
  • Simple to use, works on any smartphone

If you would like more information please contact Louise Cox on 07943 684215 or e-mail